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Author: Huyền Trang Bùi

Visit COPE where you will learn about the history of Unexploded Ordinance (UXO) from the Vietnam War, and the work COPE has done to help people move on who have been affected by UXOs. Begin at the visitor centre where you will learn about the history of UXO in Laos, how this affects life in Laos as well as the amazing work COPE are doing to help with mobility-related injuries from UXO. Head to the Cave Cinema where you can watch some short films about UXO and COPE and

Author: Huyền Trang Bùi

Visit the Laos Buffalo Dairy farm, a sustainable and socially responsible enterprise, created to improve rural prosperity, nutrition and health through a focus on buffalo farming. Learn about the efforts of the farm owners to improve local agriculture and increase nutrition amongst the local people. Tour the farm and enjoy some tasters of local buffalo dairy products, including ice cream, cheese and a fresh glass of milk. Later, continue by road to the Kuangsi Waterfalls, the perfect place to cool off with a swim and later enjoy a delicious

Author: Huyền Trang Bùi

The Buffalo dairy farm was set up in a beautiful rural area around 30 minutes outside of Luang Prabang in Laos as a socially responsible and sustainable business. The owners of this enterprise provide support and education around dairy farming using the milk from Buffalos to make delicious products such as cheese and ice cream. This was previously unheard of in the region. The introduction of this concept offers a source of nutrition in the area and additional income for the local farmers. For this tour, you will visit the

Author: Huyền Trang Bùi

Starting in Pakse, meet your local guide and take a short but scenic cruise on the Mekong River to Champasak. From here, drive to the UNESCO World Heritage site of Wat Phou, a complex of temples built before and to rival Angkor Wat. The complex was built in the 6th century by the Khmers and was originally used to worship the Hindu god of Shiva, before it was converted into a Buddhist temple. After your visit, return to Pakse by road, stopping at Wat Phou Salao en route for spectacular

Author: Huyền Trang Bùi

Visit Laos’ coffee region in the Bolaven region. Start with a locally-brewed cup of Laotian coffee as your guide explains what you will see during the tour of the plantation. Walk through the different trees growing many types of coffee. You will identify the trees depending on the types of leaves and the shapes of the branches. Learn about the coffee berries and what are the best conditions for growing coffee. End your visit with a second cup of delicious local coffee.

Author: Huyền Trang Bùi

A fantastic way to experience the traditions of Luang Prabang! Rise early this morning and transfer to a local family home where you will learn about and make sticky rice to offer as alms to the Buddhist monks living in Luang Prabang. Once the meals are prepared, take the dishes outside to offer as alms to the Buddhist monks as they walk through the streets of Luang Prabang – a humbling and immersive experience. Afterwards, return to the local family home where you will enjoy a delicious breakfast.

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