Exploring Patom Organic Farm and taking part in a workshop is a great way to learn about sustainable farming practices


  • Workshops at Patom Organic Village
  • Visit the Farm
  • Three-tiered afternoon tea


Visit the Patom Organic Farm, a organic farm and workshop centre, which focusses its business around the use of raw materials to provide farm to table products, natural beauty items and creative organic workshops. Patom is owned by Suan Sampran Man and has been in the family since the time of his grandparents. His grandfather founded the place due to his love of the tree scenery here, and soon after, his grandmother turned the area in to a beautiful rose garden which attracted many visitors from Bangkok. Based on the visitor interest, the region then became a hotel and restaurant.
In 2008, the family decided to create an organic farm to grow produce for the neighbouring hotel and restaurant.. From here, in 2010, the Sampran Model Movement was created which encourages farmers to use organic methods to produce crops and encourages farmers to promote organic produce to consumers.
Today, we will visit Patom Organic Farm to learn about the history of the region, and take part in two workshops where we will use local organic produce from the farm to create Patom lifestyle products. There are a number of workshops available, and today you will be taking part in two. You will be welcomed with a refreshing local coconut drink before taking part in your workshops.
The first workshop we will take part in today will include making your own organic rice scrub. You will be shown how to mix local produce including turmeric, peppermint, salt, rice and rose water for example to make both an organic and fragrant rice scrub.
Your second workshop will be utilising herbs to create colours to make tye dye designs on either a cloth or handkerchief. You will use items which provide strong colours such as turmeric, coconut shell, sappan wood and mango leaves to create your colours before creating your designs.
For both workshops, you will take your creations home as a keep sake.
There are a number of other workshops on offer including: making your own clay figurine, tote bag painting and herbal massage oil workshop.
End your experience with a three-tiered Thai afternoon tea including small desserts, fruit and some savoury nibbles.
• Depending on your interests, we can cater the experience workshops to your interests
• Dependant on group size, the group will be split in to smaller groups and swap over when doing the workshops

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