Silk Island Biking Adventure: A Journey Through Cambodia’s Weaving Heritage

Embark on this enriching biking adventure to explore Cambodia’s silk heritage and experience the island’s unique charm!


💫 Scenic Bicycle Ride Along the Tonle Sap River
Begin your adventure with a bike ride along the serene Tonle Sap River, passing through communities of the Cham ethnic-minority group.

💫 Ferry to Silk Island (Koh Dach)
This picturesque island offers a unique glimpse into Cambodia’s rich silk weaving tradition.

💫 Explore Traditional Silk Workshops
Discover the fascinating process of transforming raw silk into beautiful threads and try your hand at weaving.

💫 Visit the Local Temple
Before heading back, visit a local temple to experience a slice of island life and its cultural significance.

💫 Return to Phnom Penh
Enjoy a leisurely bike ride back to Phnom Penh in the early afternoon, reflecting on the day’s discoveries and experiences.

*Note: The biking distance is 25 kilometers over mostly flat terrain.


Discover Cambodia’s silk weaving heritage on a scenic biking adventure from Phnom Penh to Silk Island, where you’ll explore traditional silk workshops, meet local artisans, and enjoy a picturesque ferry ride.

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