Community Health Projects

This six-week project was designed for seven nursing students, seven physiotherapy students, and two academic supervisors to provide an immersive healthcare and cultural experience in the rural setting of Mai Chau, Vietnam.

To ensure a successful project, the orientation session included language lessons, cultural awareness training, and placement briefings. During the first two weeks, students visited Mai Chau hospital and observed and assisted in various departments as per the expertise of the student.

After this initial period, the next three weeks focused on intensive community health engagement. Students participated in hospital operations including clinics, health checks, and observing local healthcare practices as well as assisted in implementing school health education programs targeting teaching primary and secondary students about hygiene, nutrition, and basic first aid. Additionally, students conducted home visits for health assessments of the elderly, providing basic care, and educating on chronic disease management.

During the last week, students were able to participate in cultural and leisure activities to deepen their understanding of local customs and lifestyle, including a free day for exploration and a farewell dinner to celebrate the project’s completion. The final days were dedicated to reflection, report writing, and presenting the project outcomes to local health authorities.

Through this Community Health Project, students gained enhanced clinical and interpersonal skills through direct patient care and interaction with local healthcare professionals as well as bettered their ability to work effectively in cross-cultural teams and to adapt to new environments and healthcare practices. Furthermore, students were able to make a tangible and long-term difference in the Mai Chau community by assisting with health care services and educating on public health issues.

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