Empowering Rural Education: Ky Anh Library Project

Key locations: Ky Anh, Ha Tinh Provincce

The children of Kỳ Anh village deserve a brighter future. This community has endured immense hardship from the American war. Now, it’s time to rebuild and renew hope! Due to limited educational resources for its younger population, this project seeks to build a 30 square meter library to establish a dedicated space for learning and reading that will serve the village’s children, enhancing their access to educational materials and fostering a culture of learning. Vivu Journeys invites partners, donors, and volunteers to join this mission to transform the educational landscape of Ky Anh. Through collective efforts, we can ensure that the children of Ky Anh are not forgotten, providing them with a sanctuary for learning and growth that will echo through generations.

Project Goals

This project will build up a 30 square meter library for the children in Ky Anh Village, in 3 phases:

  • Phase 1:  Construct the foundation of the library by May 2024
  • Phase 2:  Complete the building structure and roof by October 2024
  • Phase 3:  Paint building, install materials, and handover for final finishes by May 2025

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